A series of brutal murders are plaguing a city with stark reminders of Trista losing her husband to homicide just one year prior. As she moves on...
Hunting Love
'Made With Love' is a short film based loosely on the true story of a woman so damaged by the losses in her life that she can no longer see the...
Made with Love
The story of an escaped psychopath finds its way into a young woman's nightmares, turning a seemingly normal Christmas party into a whirlwind of...
Just two days after Lee Harvey Oswald's assassination of President John F Kennedy, Oswald himself is murdered on live television by a little-known...
True Tales
When a young man is executed for committing murder, he leaves behind a curse letter, promising vengeance for all those connected to his unfair trial.
Johnny Frank Garrett's Last Word
A young woman learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her deceased grandmother. After embarking on a road trip with friends to uncover...
Texas Chainsaw 3D
An undocumented immigrant, Roberto, seeks a way to become lawful, but all efforts are put on hold when he becomes a new father at the onset of the US...