In a picturesque hamlet overlooking the sea near Rome, two young men divide their time between petty thefts and football matches. Their crimes have...
A home-schooled girl begins to question her domineering mother's teachings when their beliefs face the ultimate test.
Home Education
The story of two boys, one gay and the other homophobic, who are seemingly different from each other and find themselves living together. Over time...
Accidental Friends
Teenage Elsa has leukemia, and she needs a bone marrow transplant immediately. The only compatible donor? Someone she’s never met and whose...
Reckless and in love, Viviana and Modesto are bound by an uncontrollable passion. Their secret relationship ends up in front of an incredulous...
Couple Therapy for Cheaters
Shirley is a transvestite boy working as a prostitute with a 50-year-old woman, Baby. Living together they will finally get to know who they really...
Shirley and Baby
After Mirta dies of a drug overdose with her lover, she resuscitates alone and discovers she's part of a violent world she never knew existed.
Don't Kill Me
Two boys dream of escaping their island town to go on an adventure on the mainland, a son and his lover fight to escape the clutches of an...
The Italian Boys
Set in a small town in the Italian countryside, a young and handsome Alfredo returns home after a long time along with his partner Mattia, an African...
When in Rome