Using interviews with top designers, art and plans from their workshops, and the films themselves this documentary explores the influence of these...
Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood Film
Straight-forward production stories from the Hollywood players who made the movie happen.
Rosemary's Baby: A Retrospective
The making of the film Dick Tracy (1990).
Dick Tracy: Behind the Badge, Behind the Scenes
Working largely uncredited in the Hollywood system, storyboard artist Harold and film researcher Lillian left an indelible mark on classics by Alfred...
Harold and Lillian: A Hollywood Love Story
Sharon Tate is a rising young star before her life ends in a shocking murder.
Sharon Tate: Murdered Innocence
Documentary that describes and analyzes the characteristics, themes and central concerns of Roman Polanski's cinema.
Polanski y los ojos del mal
The making of FRANCES, a retrospective documentary.
A Hollywood Life: Remembering Frances