Guillermo (Raúl Mérida) is a passionate young college surf casually discovering an old photographic film. In the photographs are...
Growing up in an orphanage, two brothers give each other treacherous challenges. As adults, they play the game once more — putting their lives...
In a Spain consumed by ambition and power, the future of an empire depends of the mind state of a single woman.
The Broken Crown
The crew of a medical helicopter suffers an accident when helping a joint force of USA and United Nations troops under Spanish command division in...
Rescue Under Fire
Madrid, Spain, 1975; shortly after the end of the Franco dictatorship. Six months after the mysterious death of his lover, a prestigious tailor, a...
The Crack: Inception
Waste Days tells the story of Pau and Alex, two young friends who risk their friendship because of their constant competition. They not only...
Waste Days