Anthology film by the group of young Kazakh filmmakers trained by Sergey Solovyov. Includes novels about love-driven suicide attempt, tank division...
And We Will Save the Love
The Solar Children, a group of dwarves who left the circus, are trying to start a settlement in the Kyrgyzstan wilderness just after the breakup of...
The Wild East
After the door to nowhere opens, a preacher is sitting on a mountain, exclaiming the new religion to people, the one from the book with white pages....
Remix of the 1988 cult movie "The Needle": Moro returns to Alma Ata to collect money owed to him. While waiting out an unexpected delay, he visits...
The Needle Remix
A gang of mad criminals terrorizes people in the mountains.
The Snow Band
Genghis Khan's favorite grandson, Batu investigates the mystery of his father's death. Uncovering a conspiracy in his own family, he creates a...
BATU: Historical Detective
In a poor provincial town, the ragamuffin boys are frenziedly drilled for combat, and at nights the local elite, gathered in a pool room, boasts of...
The Stray White and the Speckled
A film director and an actor have worked till midnight at a film studio. A security guy locked all doors and so now our heroes have to look for an...
The Story of Kazakh Cinema – Underground of Kazakhfilm