Set two years after the events of Ultraman Trigger, an ultra-ancient threat re-emerges, leading to the return of Ultraman Trigger and Ultraman Zett...
Ultraman Trigger: Episode Z
Daiki, who works part-time as a bartender at joshidaikoji (meaning Women's college alley), discovers a junior high school student in cardiopulmonary...
Detective of Joshidaikoji
Haruna Tsunematsu is studying folklore at university and she decides the subject of her graduation thesis will be the "Kisaragi Station" urban legend...
Kisaragi Station
Vampires have lived and coexisted with humans since medieval Romania. They set their sights on Nobara High School, a private school in Ibaraki...
Bye Bye Vamp
Barashi Fight
Ultraman Connection Presents: Tamashii Nations Special Streaming featuring Ultraman Trigger is a special filmed stage show based on various Ultraman...
Ultraman Connection Presents: Tamashii Nations Special Streaming featuring Ultraman Trigger
Forgetful Hamlet