Tadeusz, a junior high school student, visits to his forester grandfather who lives in an ancient forest. During one of the hunts, his grandfather...
The Secret of a Wild Forest
The feature film debut of director Marek Koterski. Thirty-year-old Adaś Miauczyński visits his parents, which ends with his nervous...
The House of Fools
A young Janka leads a band of kids in 1920's Poland, experiencing many adventures and witnessing technological innnovations along the way. The second...
Janka - Spełnione marzenie
A young Janka leads a band of kids in 1920's Poland, experiencing many adventures and witnessing technological innnovations along the way. The first...
Janka - Orły i Wilki
A teenager gets killed on his way to school during the tragic events of December 1970 on the Polish coast. The boy's parents launch a crusade to bury...