Despite initially starting out in wedded bliss, devoted wife Candice and her manipulative husband, Ken, end up at odds, so much so that he hires a...
First Comes Love, Then Comes Murder
Faithful wife Melinda, who is tired of standing by her devious husband Robert, is enraged when it becomes clear she has been betrayed. That's when...
19-year-old Billy Lynn is brought home for a victory tour after a harrowing Iraq battle. Through flashbacks the film shows what really happened to...
Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk
Deep into Hell Week, a favored pledgee is torn between honoring his code of silence or standing up against the intensifying violence of underground...
Burning Sands
Ebony and Michael were forced into a modern "shotgun" wedding after becoming teenage parents, putting their personal goals on hold in order to...
After an accident at the hair salon, Violet realizes she's not living life to the fullest. A soulful barber helps her put the pieces back together.
Nappily Ever After
Layla's the co-host of a morning show alongside her charming, but sometimes irritating, colleague Derek. Their lives are turned upside down when...
The Baby Proposal