When Emilia and her daughter Sophie are left in an unexpected, dire financial situation, they discover an intriguing option to pay for Sophie’s...
Nightmare Pageant Moms
Two moms battle to see which of their overachieving daughters will be accepted to a prestigious university, but when one of their methods quickly...
Nightmare School Moms
While serving as a juror in a high profile murder trial, family man Justin Kemp finds himself struggling with a serious moral dilemma…one he...
Juror #2
After a small-town wrestling star develops a crush on an openly gay classmate, he is stalked by a grotesque creature that invades his thoughts as he...
After his family falls apart Joshua is forced to move to Canada. It is there he meets Jay, a local tattoo artist who fled the violent actions of his...
Beneath the Skin
Five years after the unusual deaths of a group of teenagers, paranormal investigator Max Archer interviews survivor Matt Swanson who is serving life...
Kill or be Killed
Gary Hart, former Senator of Colorado, becomes the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1987. Hart's intelligence, charisma and...
The Front Runner