HELLBOX is a paranoid supernatural thriller about a shadowy conspiracy against humanity that stretches across five centuries. It’s told through...
In 2040, a generation of Torontonians have grown up after the economic collapse of the west. The movie consists of episodes of a documentary series...
Ghosts with Shit Jobs
A quirky young woman reflects on her childhood as she prepares to leave home.
Monk steps out of retirement as his stepdaughter's wedding turns tragic when her fiancé dies in a bungee jumping accident.
Mr. Monk's Last Case: A Monk Movie
Given up for dead, Patrick Farley (Lucky 7) returns home to pay a gambling debt to the mob but finds himself framed for murder.
Lucky 7
Based on a true story, a community is rocked by the double-homicide of a prominent couple and the local police struggle to find the killer. As a...
A Murder of Innocence