The story of the film revolves around Shaan, who, after passing the Bangladesh Civil Service examinations, joins the police force to serve the...
Pori, who has been captured by an evil group in Thailand. The film's somber subject matter immerses viewers in Pori's existence, which may be buried...
Female-centric action-thriller.
Aalok Hasan's debut directorial.
Film data is unknown at this moment
A film by Anonno Mamun.
The Ispahani Arif Jahan directorial film is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Anisul Hoque. The movie released in theatres, on October...
When Jhinuk, the daughter of a wealthy man, falls in love with Sagor (Shakib Khan), who hates how the rich treat the poor, she poses as a pauper to...
My Name Is Khan
Noor Jahaan is the story of two young lovers, Noor (played by Adrit roy) and Jahaan (played by Puja cherry)
Noor Jahaan
A day laborer searches for hope and strength after his daughter commits suicide.
Poramon 2
Two young souls Apurba and Joy meet each other in college and fall in love. Incidentally, they turn out to be neighbours as well. Thus, begins an...
Prem Amar 2
Dohon loosely based on a true incident of metro city Dhaka. The film received positive reviews from critics and also it was a commercial success.
an ambitious boy named Badshah who dreams of becoming a don. He gains access to the crime of city's don and uses his own cleverness to play of the...
Badsha - the Don