The story revolves around the character of a man with a less spoken mental condition, Sam (played by Pubudu), He is a man who steals and keeps...
Underpants Thief
Two friends, Manoj (Gihan De Chickera), a bartender, and Stanley (Dharmapriya Dias), a fruit vendor, wish to immigrate to the West to seek their...
Machan: La vera storia di una falsa squadra
A Young man fights for his lost bike with courage. Honest Gangster with his foolish brother who destroyed everything. This is a remake of Tamil movie...
(Eka Dawasaka Api / එක දවසක අපි) The day Parami appeared on Vimukthi’s eyes he found out...
The Day We Will
Husma (The Breathe) (Sinhala: හුස්ම) is a 2019 Sri Lankan Sinhala drama thriller film directed by Sudesh Wasantha...
Malan is a jobless 25 year-old youth who spends his days playing cricket with friends. He suffers from an irrational fear of ghosts and retreats to...
Maya 3D
The story revolves round three teenagers - Prageeth (Roshan), a younger, darker version of Hugh Grant, the son of a business tycoon (Corea), whose...
Hiripoda Wassa - හිරිපොද වැස්ස
This is a film that showing the epic battle and struggle a group of uneducated villagers went through to get its independence back in 1948 and its...
Lion's Pride
Vadeesha Devaminda Wickramanayaka is a highly creative and sensitive young music student in his school. A special love letter that he finds...
Butterfly Symphony
Chandula and his two friends have planned a holiday at a luxury hotel. On their day of the visit, they see a beautiful girl (Isanka) at the hotel and...
Cindrella - සින්ඩ්රෙල්ලා