A group of confirmed bachelors finds their informal "anti-matrimony club" turned into a home for adopted orphans when six orphaned children are...
A young Chinese woman saves an American man washed up onto the shore and the two fall in love, but he resolutely returns to his life, and wife, in...
The Toll of the Sea
During an uprising in Algeria in 1869, two Frenchmen--Anatole, the brother of Gabrielle, and Pierre, her sweetheart--join the colors and are later...
Love and Glory
An inventor invents a television telephone while going through some love troubles.
Up the Ladder
Kay Denham is off for a fling in Paris, leaving her suitor Berk behind. There, she meets two new suitors, Gene and George. Gene smooth-talks her into...
I Met Him in Paris
Two football players fight over the same girl.
Hold 'Em Navy