The story revolves around a point in the friendship of Vano, (Andhika Pratama), Tia (Poppy Sovia), and Desi (Debby Kristi). A love triangle lies...
The Butterfly
Abdee and Ridho are called by Slank, a rock band with Bimbim and Ivan. As it turned out, Slank want to prove the band still remains with only...
Slank Never Dies
Sandra is a very loving and caring sister to her sister Elsa. The story begins when Elsa wants to audition for film stars but doesn't pass, because...
In 2018, the headquarters of the Mobile Brigade Command Headquarters in Kelapa Dua, Depok was attacked by terrorists who tried to break into the...
Broken Wings
Gunawan had a wife, Itje, and two small children, Satya and Cakra. Their lives changed when Gunawan found out he only had one more year to live....
Saturday With Dad
Firly and her boarding house friends who have a habit of gossiping. Until one day, Firly has to bear the karma for her bad attitude. Legend has it...
Kalau Cinta Jangan Cengeng
Dewo has been an addict since college. As a result of being entangled in the black world, Dewo was expelled from his campus abroad.
Merry Go Round
A group of young filmmakers from Jakarta arrived in Bantul, Yogyakarta to prepare for a shoot. Things are normal until the second day when they start...
Growing up with a dark past and a simple dream: to make his mother happy, Damar had to 'fight' against himself in order to become a good teenager.
Saat Menghadap Tuhan
A group of young people from Jakarta left for Cirebon with different destinations. Arla, Jojo, and Maura want to do research on their final...
Sacred 2
a ustad exorcist expert in a remote village who is attacked by a powerful demon. When the exorcist tries to perform an exorcism to drive out the...
Godaan Setan Yang Terkutuk
Four students, Gito, Dede, Kuncoro, and Rojak, are hired as part-time firefighter at the Fire Department. They were given the task of caring of an...
Fire Squad
Along with two friends, thirty-year-old Mira reluctantly returns to her home village, where she crosses paths with a face from her past.
Shy Shy Cat
A marriage counselor reels from his own marital woes when the struggle to start a family with his eager wife puts their marriage on shaky ground.
Test Pack, You're My Baby
Ada is a successful woman with her career, however she is afraid to fall in love with someone else. However with the help of her friend (Reza...
Benci Disko
Five different stories of surreal mysteries on supernatural and inexplicable events.
Soleh and his friends, Lukman, Marsyel, Eko, and Fey created a campus magazine focusing on news, gossip and opinions. However, they had to deal with...
Mau Jadi Apa?
Satrio and Natasha met in an incident. Satrio who is interested in Natasha decides to help her find the owner of a diary of a man named "Boy".
Catatan (Harian) Si Boy
The story of Ateng and his twin Agung who have been separated for a long time. Ateng and Iskak, his friend, go to Jakarta for the first time....
Lagi-Lagi Ateng
Three beautiful and popular girls, Marion, Alya, and Aline, come face-to-face with the results of their bullying and bad behaviour in the afterlife.
Night life of a transgender who has his own story.
Dulu Banci
A black comedy from a magician named Lukman who performs illusion magic that suddenly become real.
Shanaz (Poppy Sovia), 17 years old, becomes a rebellious teen since her father passed away. She feels guilty for his death. She and her mother never...
Mengejar Mas Mas
A rich ambitious street mob lost his mind. He endanger his family members, so did his marriage. He had to pay back his fault, and look forward to...
Perfect Dream
The story begins from a gecko which can worth up to millions of rupiah. Sule is hired to become a detective who guards the gecko because there are...
Sule Detektif Tokek
Bambang (Tora Sudiro) works as an office boy and Nadia (Marsha Timothy) as an editor in a magazine company
Otomatis Romantis
'Isyarat' takes the innovative approach of bringing together five young directors, Asmirandah, who made Teman Bayangan (Shadow friend); Monty Tiwa...