Gospel Hill tells the intersecting story of two men in the fictional South Carolina town of Julia. Danny Glover plays John Malcolm, the son of a...
Gospel Hill
A glowing, prismatic portrait of the rise and fall of America's first celebrity designer—Halston—the man who was synonymous with fashion...
Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston
Set in small-town rural Georgia, a man returns to his hometown to face the deep-rooted racial tensions of a deep southern town that ages, but never...
The Unseen
Scandals and pratfalls abound in this satirical and sexy look at the silent movie era. With Jennifer Tilly, Debi Mazar, and Tippi Hedren.
Return to Babylon
With a career spanning decades Photographer Rose Hartman is known for her iconic photos from Studio 54 and the fashion world, her boisterous...
The Incomparable Rose Hartman
A young, underappreciated intern at the ultra-hip magazine Skirt must learn to deal with kissy-face phoniness, model tantrums and bulimic editors,...