Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mutate with humans. They choose...
The Las Vegas Abductions
This film presents the untold history of Foundational Black American rebellions and maroon colonies that existed during the antebellum slavery period...
American Maroon
Hidden Colors 4: The Religion Of White Supremacy is the latest follow up film to the critically acclaimed hit documentary series Hidden Colors. In...
Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy
Faced with the extinction of their species, shape shifting, evil alien monsters descend on earth with the intent to mate with humans. They choose Las...
Vegas Skyline
Buck Breaking is a documentary film about the historic sexual exploitation of Black people globally. The film shows the correlation between the...
Buck Breaking
The story revolves around the ups and downs of marriage, the pit falls, the joys and the revelations. An "everyman" and a woman, meet, marry, divorce...
Happily After Forever