With the oppressive climate of 1970s South Africa as the backdrop, this erotic biopic tells the story of Glenda Kemp (playing herself), a former...
Snake Dancer
Reporter J.J. wants to write a story about an Afrika rallye, 3000 km across desert and steppe. Unfortunately her driver and car get lost only days...
Safari 3000
Random people are terrorized by a malevolent man who brings their worst fears to life.
The Demon
A college professor and his ex-girlfriend find themselves being hunted by the CIA, the KGB and an African drug smuggler. Seems they have...
In 1879, the British suffer a great loss at the Battle of Isandlwana due to incompetent leadership.
Zulu Dawn
Dirk de Villiers -An English woman dares to defy the might of the British Empire and champions the cause of the Boers during the Anglo-Boer War,...
That Englishwoman: An Account of the Life of Emily Hobhouse
The daughter of a British prison governor returns from an American finishing school, and chases after the inmates of her Dad's prison.
Fun and Games
An evil circus owner chases a chimp and his friends through Africa. Not necessarily 'Dyn-O-Mite!', but this silly monkey business is decent family...
Going Bananas
Beach-set James Ryan thriller
The Tangent Affair