Maiquél has lost a bet and dyed his hair blond. This seemingly innocuous event triggers a head-on collision with destiny in which he goes...
The Man of the Year
This epic Brazilian film was based on the equally epic novel by Antonio Callado. Set between 1954 and 1964, the film's focus is the saga of Jesuit...
In this highly stylized Brazilian drama a sax player fondly remembers one wonderful night spent with his life's love and decides to find her again....
Subway to the Stars
Two men and their horse travel through a vast and arid wilderness, each confronting sorrow, joy and their own demise.
Minutos Atrás
Teenager and his Chilean parents live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in exile, after his brother is killed by the military government in Chile. Years...
The Colour of His Destiny
Two students make a date in a secluded cave behind their school, where they could be undisturbed. But on arrival they see a corpse. They run to...
O Mistério no Colégio Brasil
Olha que Coisa Mais Linda - Uma Homenagem a Tom Jobim