Created by the members of a Nairobi-based arts collective — who have removed their names from the film for fear of reprisal — this...
Stories of Our Lives
MoMo is a Somali urban refugee living in Nairobi where he runs the community radio station Wazi? FM with his Kenyan friend Kevo. Their partnership...
Wazi? FM
Bereft of earthly memories, a new arrival in the afterlife struggles to recover the past, in this poetic fantasy that offers a dark reflection on...
Kati Kati
Fans flock to a festival celebrating the most iconic horror movies, only to discover that the charismatic showman behind the event has a diabolical...
Blood Fest
Mwas, a young aspiring actor from upcountry Kenya dreams of becoming an accomplished actor one day, and in pursuit of this, he makes his way to...
Nairobi Half Life