Futuristic prospective series pilot, a distant cousin the 1975 theatrical violent sport movie "Rollerball," revolves around a turn-of-the-millennium...
A husband and wife open a video store in a new town, and come to find out that the locals only rent horror films and the "occasional triple X'er",...
Video Violence
A brother and his young sister come to a small town to find out a local gang terrorizes the population.
The New Kids
A teenager babysitting a young girl discovers that she is being molested by a family friend when harrowing memories of her own past molestation by...
Don't Touch
A psychiatrist poses as an ex-sorority sister to stop a slasher freed by a computer error.
Silent Madness
Sensitive study of a headstrong high school football star who dreams of getting out of his small Western Pennsylvania steel town with a football...
All the Right Moves