An unofficial sequel to Streets of Fire, this movie follows an older, grizzled and despondent Cody as he clashes with killers while trying to...
Road to Hell
A U.S. Marine special ops team awakens from hypersleep in a long-abandoned underground laboratory complex with no memory of who they are or why they...
Cyborg Nemesis: The Dark Rift
A young journalist goes deep undercover within a mountain commune and becomes manipulated by a duplicitous cult leader.
One of Us
Voracious sharks use human bodies to build dams.
Dam Sharks!
"If you don't have your own plan, you'll damn sure be a part of someone else's." That quote kicks off the first of multiple story lines, in the crime...
Bubblegum and Broken Fingers
Strangers trapped on a secluded island struggle to survive against hordes of the dead.
Isle of the Dead
Cora senses her open relationship is on the rocks. When the struggling musician and messy millennial goes home to Portland to win her girlfriend...
Cora Bora
When drones arrive in a flash, slaughtering humanity and stripping the Earth of its resources, a small team of scientists hiding in Los Angeles works...
Drone Wars
From the creators of After the Dawn, L.A. Maniac, Play Hooky, and Dirty B.O. , comes a found footage movie that will surely put you on the edge of...
Paranoia Tapes
Following the death of their mother, an identical twin pulls away to establish her own independence, while the other unravels and plots to end her...
In a white hot flash of light, and with no warning, one minute our moon is there, the next it's gone. Then, a second flash. And that's the last thing...