A gruesome serial killer is terrorizing London while brilliant but disgraced detective John Luther sits behind bars. Haunted by his failure to...
Luther: The Fallen Sun
Edina, a young Jewish ballerina must fight for survival as she is snatched from her home and sent to a Nazi concentration camp.
Dancing in the Ashes
Ensnared in a fairytale of his own making, a pious and mysterious wanderer who calls himself ‘Jude’, is forced to confront the depths of...
Sweet Brother
A dramatisation of Christopher Reid's narrative poem that tells the story of an unnamed book editor who, fifteen years after their break-up, is...
The Song of Lunch
A woman learns about the death of her Orthodox Jewish father, a rabbi. She returns home and has romantic feelings rekindled for her best childhood...
A neuroscientist creates a device which frees her inner Daemon allowing her to seek a terrible vengeance upon her enemies
Daemon Mind