Based on the Ayyat train accident that killed 361 in 2002, this ensemble drama delves into the intense human stories of the passengers in a...
An Hour and a Half
This satirical comedy revolves around Tatah, a maladjusted, poor man from Abdeen who befriends a woman online with help from his nephew. Just as his...
Marital problems happen every day where one day the couple decided to involve others in their problems . During the clash of the parties , the metal...
Face to Face
Farid is an elusive individual renowned for his absence rather than his presence. He gained fame through the alias "Mr. Ex," as he became sought...
Mr. Ex
As Ta’oun plots to rob the famous singer Ahlam, he recruits his fiancée and her brother to accompany him to Sharm El-Sheikh to carry out...
Ocean 14
Professor Ramadan is a feared and well respected teacher in a village, forced to take a job in the city teaching at a private school. He soon...
Ramadan Mabrouk Abou El Allamen Hamouda
Sayed Al-Jada decides to deceive his five children by selling the pension they share with forged documents, claiming that he will travel to meet with...
Dalal Pension