A teenage girl, distraught from her vain attempt to connect with her estranged mother, resorts to cutting herself. When she develops an online...
The story of a man who wakes up in bed suffering from memory loss after being in an accident, only to begin to suspect that his wife may not be his...
The lives of a breast-cancer patient and a researcher who is trying to prove a genetic link to cancer intersect in a groundbreaking study.
Decoding Annie Parker
A typical Southern California girl succumbs to the pressures of the suburban teenage experience, and learns to see the beauty in her raw and untamed...
One day, one moment, one idea can change lives. Noah Davis is a Pastor in an affluent community. Depressed after losing his wife to illness, he is...
Christmas on Salvation Street
The story of Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder and former CEO of online dating platform Bumble.