In Depression-era Tokyo, a struggling middle-aged single father with a young son comes across a homeless young lady and convinces a bar owner to take...
Passing Fancy
Silent jidaigeki film
Miyamoto Musashi
Daughter and Springtime
In late 19th century Tokyo, Kikunosuke Onoue, the adopted son of a legendary actor, himself an actor specializing in female roles, discovers that he...
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum
Pretty Oshige is deceived by her first love. After this, she lives a hard lifestyle, working at a number of jobs. Her only pleasure is her nephew,...
A Certain Woman
Jirokichi the Rat is wanted in Edo for robbing the mansions of the rich. While on the run, he falls for Osen, a girl who has been sold to a brothel...
Jirokichi the Rat
Chorus of a Million People
Chiezo Kataoka plays a cowardly samurai, whose honor is on the line when it becomes necessary to avenge the murder of his father. The culminating...
To the Hills Again in Spring
Silent Japanese film.
Shinpan Ôoka seidan; Daisanpen: Kaikatsuhen