An allegorical comedy centered on two childhood sweethearts who seem destined for one another until the women of their isolated village, angered by...
Happy Journey, Jako!
Ketevan, a village doctor, is already sending her second son away in the world war. Only the youngest child, Mamuka, remains as the family's hope....
The village of Chokhi had decided to marry Shete to a girl from another village, but the bride refused. The offended village people send their women...
Human Sadness
After finishing school, three friends go to Chiatura for work. Two of them start working in a black stone mine, and the third, Bondo, works as a...
The film tells the story of an accountant who is fanatically in love with football, who will go through many curious adventures full of...
A Ball and a Pitch
An educationalist priest's attempt to promote literacy in a mountainous village is challenged by a brigade leader who views learning as a waste of...
Doves of Paradise
In Georgia during WWII Zurikela, an orphan boy, meets Khatia, a blind girl, and vows to help her to see again.
I See the Sun
The young craftsman Gogia and the village girl Tasia fall in love with each other. Arriving in Tasia's village accompanied by a wedding procession,...
You Can't See What You Have Seen
The movie consists of three short stories that share a common satirical theme: alcoholism and drunkenness. The stories are "Such an imprudence!,"...
100 grams for Bravery