The Film is based on the infamous 'Charlie Murder Case' in the Indian State of Kerala where the main culprit Sukumara Kurup has been on the run for...
During their campus life, classmates Rishi and Priya fall in love. Priya's father does not approve their relation based on caste differences....
After multiple marriage proposals flop due to a variety of reasons, Archana is happy that Middle-East-based Prasad is, finally, interested in...
Archana 31 Not Out
Qurbaani: Directed by Geo V with Soubin Shahir, Rajesh Sharma, Shane Nigam, Sunil Sukhada
When his unlucky horoscope doesn't bode well for his future wife, an earnest bachelor goes to surprising lengths to get the family he's always...
Maniyarayile Ashokan
The life story of a girl named June from 16 years of her age until she turned 26, thereby giving an insight into those ten years of her life.
The story revolves around a doctor who tries to save his wife when her past comes back to haunt her.
Upcoming Malayalam film
Christopher Columbus