A woman tormented by grief, battles inner demons using medication and drugs. Reality blurs with nightmares which strains her relationships. Seeking...
Half Dead,is the story of a gangster named Angel who steals from his boss Vince. Angel runs off with Vince's sister and pays the price with his life....
Half Dead
When Dr. Nathan Marsh awakens from a catatonic state in a mental institution, he must relive his last expedition by watching tapes from the site...
Site 13
King Lee is the mayor of Syracuse, New York. In a wild, surreal ride through an era when cities are in trouble, Syracuse is on the rise, and one man...
King Lee
The "Overlook Animal Research Laboratory" has long been working on genetic engineering without any trouble. That all changes one night when two would...
For four college students, a weekend camping trip turns into a living nightmare as they stumble upon something in the woods that should not be.
The Shrieking
A group of teenagers out in the woods come under attack by Bigfoot.
Bigfoot at Holler Creek Canyon
Pink Eye is set in a small town in upstate New York, at a prison-like, dilapidated insane asylum where secret drug testing has gone inexplicably...
Pink Eye
For 5 friends, an idyllic weekend in the mountains turns into a nightmare when they accidentally run down a hiker. And that was the least of their...
Hunting Season