Intrigued and inspired by an unexpected encounter with an older neighbour, Leila spends her last days in the suburbs exploring her identity through...
A much-needed boost, in the form of a new factory, is promised to the residents of the tiny fishing village St. Marie-La-Mauderne, provided they can...
Seducing Doctor Lewis
When Remy, an ad consultant, falls in love with Sarah, the newest star of an ad campaign, sparks fly. The only problem is that they are both married....
Amoureux fou
Benoit, an actor surviving on his barman wages, follows the advice of is his brother Frank - a former hockey player turned talent agent- and grows a...
Face Time
Celebrated European actor Sophie Bernard is in Montreal shooting a movie, and she's taking the opportunity to visit her gay son Thomas in the hope of...
A TV film staging of Michel Tremblay's play "Sainte Carmen de la Main" by André Brassard.
Sainte Carmen de la Main