"Go Further" explores the idea that the single individual is the key to large-scale transformational change. The film follows actor Woody Harrelson...
Go Further
MTV Unplugged is a 1993 live album by 10,000 Maniacs. The music was recorded for the MTV Unplugged series and it was also the last album by the band...
10000 Maniacs: MTV Unplugged
In 1996, VH1 organized a benefit concert for Witness with Human Rights First. Robin Williams filmed a moving message for the concert on the power of...
1996 VH1 Honors
"Man in the Sand" is a 1999 music documentary that chronicles the collaboration between Billy Bragg and Wilco, which involved the musicians creating...
Billy Bragg & Wilco: Man in the Sand
Natalie Merchant got her start at age 17 as the lead singer of the folk-pop outfit 10,000 Maniacs. Her silken voice and outspoken social awareness...
Natalie Merchant - VH1 Storytellers
Live in Concert is a 1999 live album and DVD by Natalie Merchant. The album and DVD were recorded at the Neil Simon Theatre in New York City. The...
Natalie Merchant - Live in Concert
Poems by some of the greatest writers of all time are brought to life through lyrical animation and readings by some of today’s most respected...
A Child's Garden of Poetry
Natalie Merchant's entire musical life encapsulated in this very personal film, which digs deep into the music through live performances, archival...
Paradise Is There: A Memoir by Natalie Merchant
On November 27, 1987 the Cowboy Junkies set up a single microphone inside The Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto, Ontario and in one day recorded...
Cowboy Junkies: Trinity Revisited
The documentary is inspired by the 2019 Vanity Fair article Building a Mystery: An Oral History of Lilith Fair, by writers Jessica Hopper, Sasha...
Lilith Fair
A conceptual short film starring Natalie Merchant as various archetypal female characters, plus a series of music videos from Merchant’s first...
Natalie Merchant: Ophelia