A story of two delicate and beautiful women whose dreams have been destroyed by three brutal men, and of the women’s ultimate, liberating...
Erick, a young Viking warrior, joins forces with a rival clan in order to rescue a kidnapped princess from the great Midgard Serpent. It's a perilous...
Viking Quest
The story and the characters are fictional. The movie is about the violence and the crime within a city; a city run by a group of gangsters....
My City Screams
Olti after being released from prison,he sets out on the way home.But along the way he is facing another big obstacle.Olti is denied its entrance in...
A Long Way Home II
Bjondi, a man around 35 years, faces with schizophrenic symptoms as a result of a bad story happened in his family. The death of the only daughter...
Obsessed with the disappearance of her best friend who became a victim of sex trafficking, a journalist plots an undercover operation in order to...
The Business of Pleasure