The film is set before the events of Kimmy Dora: Kambal sa Kiyeme wherein the twins are seen disputing the ownership of the family corporation. The...
Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel
The film will focus before the birth of the twins. It was a set-up arranged marriage for their father Don Luisito Go Dong Hae played by Ariel Ureta...
Kimmy Dora and the Temple of Kiyeme
In order to win the love of his life, Adonis has to win over her only son. The son has decided that the only kind of man good enough for his mother...
The Resurreccion's ancestral mansion is believed to have a portal to the other world. Every quarter of a century, it must be opened by a chosen...
The Anothers
Legend has it that once every 100 years a superhero with the powers of lightning shows up to save mankind from the forces of evil. It is believed...
The plot revolves around a secret agency with Reserve Agent King Aguila tasked to recover the Philippines' most important artifact. The artifact is...
Agent X44