Eight ominous horror films that depict a series of terrifying spiritual phenomena that attacks our protagonist in enclosed spaces such as phone...
Yugami: Norowareta Heisa Kukan
Wataru Kamiya, a boy who lives with his father after losing his mother. Suddenly, his father left home for a while on a business trip abroad, and...
Ikenai! Runa Sensei: Yasashiku muitene hen
Yoshio is a man who works for the city's water department and live with his mother. He regularly visits to the SM Queen Miho, but he still cannot...
You've Got A Friend
Naomi is a teacher who lives with a younger man named Yuzuru. On the day they met, she found him sitting by the side of the road, alone. Naomi felt...
Naomi –reverse-
In bustling Shibya, Momose sees his high school classmate Yashiro. Yashiro is dressed as a girl. Momose continues to observe Yashiro and becomes...
Wait for Me at Udagawachou
Rinko and Isamu have been living together for three years in what seems like an idyllic situation, except for one detail: they broke up months ago....
Love and Goodbye and Hawaii
Young novelist Haruhiko, along with his girlfriend Ririko, are having lunch with his cousin Yoko as she talks about an important night from three...
Body Remember