Through seven scenes, the film follows the life and destinies of stray dogs from the margins of our society, leading us to reconsider our attitude...
Life of a Mutt
In chronological order, the film follows the career of Momčilo Bajagić – Bajaga, one of the most prominent rock musicians from former...
Electrically Powered Music
"Izvan vremena" (eng. Out of Time) is a feature-length documentary film, which deals with the personality phenomenon of one of the most talented...
Out of Time
The exploits of a depressed architect in Belgrade as he wanders about searching for the future in a land where the future no longer exists. Handsome...
In the Middle of Nowhere
Till recently a University professor, a bohemian writer, a member of Belgrade's intellectual circles and a passionate opponent of the Milosevic's...
The Professional
Petar Peca Popović is one of the greatest, most famous, most authoritative and for sure, the best, connoisseur of Rock and Roll in the former...
Trapped Time
Documentary about the life and career of Serbian rock musician Vladimir "Vlada" Divljan.
Heavenly Theme
Stories About Bora Đorđević and Riblja Čorba, commercially most successful Serbian rock band.
Persistent Invocation of Angels
The documentary about tamburica, the instrument Vojvodina is best known for, and its music legacy.
Tamburica: The Sound of a Landscape