Wealthy Ramez returns to Egypt following the death of his father to find himself responsible for his half-brother. He falls in love with a modest...
Love with its Details
The events of the series revolve around gynecologist Rouh Al-Fouad (Suheir Ramzy), who is trying to help her husband (Mustafa Fahmy) in his...
Soul lover
Ibrahim is a creative advertising professional who is extremely boring and reserved. As he embarks on a journey to win over his son who seems to...
Live Your Life
Youssef is a young man who lives in an under-privileged part of the city. He finds a book called "Get Out Here for Me" and two of its characters...
Step Outside
A woman ends up working at the same nightclub as her son’s girlfriend — who she doesn’t like — and tries to break up their...
Game Over
The movie in the framework of the comedy of terror on family home mystery surrounds Harawy, who they consider a sort Ghost busting paranormal haunted...
El Dassas