Based on a short story by Abraham B. Jehoshua, the movie follows Eli (Oded Kotler) taking care of an old girlfriend's child for three days. He wants...
Three Days and a Child
An American soldier is wounded in Israel and slowly begins to lose his sight while hospitalized.
Neither by Day Nor by Night
A kind-hearted, liberal and person-loving orthopedic doctor is about to purchase a new apartment for his son and daughter-in-law. While visiting the...
The Passion of Dr. Wider
At the end of World War 2, a Nazi escapes arrest by assuming the identity of concentration camp victim. 20 years later, he is threatened with...
The Hour of Truth
Robert Hirsch impresses as he takes on 11 different roles in Alex Joffé's comedy about the six sons of a recently deceased Jewish Casanova. To...
Impossible on Saturday