When two poor Greasers, Johnny and Ponyboy, are assaulted by a vicious gang, the Socs, and Johnny kills one of the attackers, tension begins to mount...
The Outsiders
At Adams College, the jocks rule the school from their house on high, the Alpha Beta fraternity. So when a group of socially-challenged misfits try...
Revenge of the Nerds
When teenage geniuses Mitch Taylor and Chris Knight, working on an advanced laser project, learn that the military wants to use it as a weapon, they...
Real Genius
Julie, a girl from the valley, meets Randy, a punk from the city. They are from different worlds and find love. Somehow they need to stay together in...
Valley Girl
David Sinclair seems to have everything going for him: he's smart, musically talented, and very successful. To top off his senior year in high...
Permanent Record
Mistakenly believing that she has just weeks to live, teenager Leslie Hindenberg tries to lose her virginity before she dies.
Joy of Sex
April has a problem. Whenever she gets anything like passionate with a guy all sorts of things seem to spontaneously combust. The only men she meets...
Nice Girls Don't Explode
Ginny Grainger, a young mother, rediscovers the joy and beauty of Christmas, thanks to the unshakable faith of her six-year-old daughter Abbie and...
One Magic Christmas
The game of love starts in a typical blues bar. The hot and magic rhythm of the blues makes even the shiest man throw away his fears and participate...
Tonight's the Night