From Oscar-winning filmmakers Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, "Wild Life" follows conservationist Kris Tompkins on an epic, decades-spanning love...
Wild Life
The rejection of the project for a new, more socially just constitution by the Chilean people in 2022 has reignited the conflicts that have plagued...
Chile: A Troublesome Legacy
Eufrosina Cruz was the first woman that became Congress President in Oaxaca. This is the story about women in politics in Mexico and their fight to...
Las sufragistas
Ségo et Sarko sont dans un bateau...
Documentary about the independence and history of Latin America.
The Inconclusive Independence
The film tells the story of the life of Michelle Bachelet and her surprising journey along the road to the presidency of Chile.
The General's Daughter
A group of senior people will unite against the evil plan of a Spanish businessman who wants to get Chile out of Latin America to annex it to Europe.
At the end of the 19th century, four groups of indigenous people were taken from Chile by a German businessman and were shown as animals in different...
The Human Zoo
The economists behind the implementation of the most extreme capitalist system in the world observe with surprise the discontent of its countrymen....
Chicago Boys
Documantary film on the dispute for the hegemony of the Latin American continent between conservative forces and popular movements.
Latinoamérica, territorio en disputa
A Chilean judge uncovers long buried secrets of former dictator Augusto Pinochet and, in the process, must confront his own role in that dark past.
The Judge and the General