Ben and his girlfriend are catapulted into a bizarre, small town funeral for his uncle, Randy Todd. At the service, Ben is thrown to the wolves when...
Honk If You Miss Randy Todd
A sex and love addicted woman learns what real intimacy is when she starts making music with a reclusive man.
Over a series of video chats, a teenage outcast reaches out to his childhood friend, but finds that behind the veneer of popularity and a seemingly...
Face 2 Face
In this dark comedy, a young woman has her quiet life turned upside down when she receives an empty coffin in the mail. She then sets off on a...
Living Room Coffin
Four lifelong friends decide that their lives could change by becoming nasty and reading Fifty Shades of Grey in their monthly book club to get...
Book Club
A Catholic schoolboy gets a dream job as a screener at a European-style resort. Unbeknownst to them, Micky Littleton harbors a supernatural secret....
Micky's Summer Resort