The life and struggles of a notorious rock musician seeping into a pit of loneliness whose everyday life involves friends and family seeking...
Last Days
Taking Punk to the Masses: From Nowhere to Nevermind visually documents the explosion of Grunge, the Seattle Sound, within the context of the...
Taking Punk to the Masses: From Nowhere to Nevermind
Brian Chippendale is the drummer in Lightning Bolt. Greg Saunier is the drummer in Deerhoof. They've teamed up for a self-titled drum duo...
Checking in at 20
Profiles the birth and growth of the punk rock DIY record label, K Records, based in Olympia, Washington.
The Shield Around the K
Death By Audio, an underground art and music venue, is forced to close in 2014. The film focuses on the struggles of maintaining a community in the...
Goodnight Brooklyn: The Story of Death By Audio