Chuck Peterson is a young slacker with big dreams. Disowned by his family and ignored by his peers, he diligently pursues his dreams of writing a...
The Big Sleaze
A cult of revolutionaries plot to murder the president of a pharmaceutical conglomerate.
The Devil in White
Kenny Kitagawa is a struggling Christian moonlighting as a delivery boy. When he inadvertently delivers a pizza to a dead body, he becomes the pawn...
The Fear of God
Griffith Townsend (Michael Fredianelli) enjoys a successful career as senior editor at the San Francisco Chronicle with only one problem: he is...
When Nick Fairbanks and his wife move from the quiet town of Petersonville for a prestigious job at an investment firm, they quickly become...
Hard Profit
Businessmen Oliver Darcy and Brian Douglas have been quietly embezzling money from their employers for months. When Oliver's daughter is mysteriously...
Money for Angels
It's 1849 and everyone wants to make his way to San Francisco for that golden opportunity. Jorge, a poor Mexican peasant, and his son Fernando...
Gold Mountain
Four horror stories focusing on a group of neglected children and their unfortunate guardians come to life in this terrifying anthology from Wild...