The second movie directed by Humayun Ahmed. Revolving around a folk singer, his love interest and the local aristocratic family's involvement, the...
Srabon Megher Din
A story of a family during the 1971 Liberation War in Bangladesh and their family getting punished by the ruthless Pakistani soldiers. Mahbub, a...
Spartacus '71
Shirin Rani has lots of lovers, one-sided lovers. They find out that she's getting married to a rich person's son who has a seasonal mental issue....
Hablonger Bazarey
A mysterious stranger befriends a middle class family.
Dui Duari
A teenager falls in love with her father's servant.
Amar Ache Jol
A ruthless landlord looks for meaning in his life through the help of a young girl.
Three captured freedom fighters of 1971 liberation war of Bangladesh, reminiscence about what brought them to the war as they prepare to face their...
Surviving 71
Refugees from East Pakistan flee West Pakistani soldiers aboard a rickety steamboat.
Shyamol Chhaya
All sorts of character get on board a bus bound for Teknaf, Cox's Bazar on a pleasure trip organized by a new travel company named Somudro Bilash...
Somudro Bilash Private Limited