Lawrence Salva's script centers on a detective on the trail of a murderer, who is led to believe that a local teenager, harboring some sort of...
Way of the Wicked
Based on the book “The Legend of Mickey Tussler”, this film follows the story of eighteen-year-old Mickey Tussler, who lives on a farm...
A Mile in His Shoes
Lanalee's life looks rosy until her estranged sister, Blue, appears. Blackmailed by her disturbed sibling, Lanalee is suddenly fighting to protect a...
Sister Blue
Remake of the 1954 SciFi classic
When an author invites his friends to his home on a private island, the guests realize they've been poisoned at dinner. The only way to receive the...
The Invitation
Five years ago David's life came undone when his young daughter fell victim to a brutal attack. The subsequent emotional fallout cost him his...
Max Walker, a down-and-out cop, becomes the target of a bloodthirsty drug cartel after he leads a narcotics bust to intercept a large shipment of...