A cautionary tale of love, crime, fantasy and addiction that follows two young Iowan lovers who decide to go into the "batch" business - cooking...
Based on a true story of serial killer a model citizen, loving father and husband and serial killer John Wayne Gacy, a man with over 30 dead men and...
The Orphan Killer is a tour de force murder flick that defies classification. It goes far beyond current trends in gore and breaks open a new...
The Orphan Killer
Rob Baskin, a businessman who travels to Lake Tahoe in order to spread the ashes of his late mother, meets Ann Field, a woman who'll change his life...
The Last Place on Earth
As Ann Hedgerow - an indirect descendant of Edgar Allen Poe - begins to explore her family's past, she meets novelist Ethan Poe. Ethan, also a...
After losing their sister, two brothers' struggle to cope teaches them the only thing stronger than the competition between them is the bond they...
Losing Grace
Film Producers spend 5 years investigating the methamphetamine epidemic in Middle America. They interviewed addicts, filmed them in prison, and...
Dying for Meth