After seven years together, David and Margot fill their days with challenges and play like kids. One day, they lock themselves in their apartment and...
Two old friends and small-time crooks embark on a crime spree, but take an unexpected detour that could lead them down the road to redemption.
Route 132
During an opulent and luxurious banquet, complete with hordes of servers and valets, eleven pampered guests participate in what appears to be a...
Next Floor
The crew aboard the Romano Fafard spaceship continues their mission. Captain Patenaude and his acolytes land on planet: Crème hydratante pour...
Dans une galaxie près de chez vous 2
A biopic of the late musician Dédé Fortin, the singer, songwriter, and founder of a very popular Québécois band called...
Through the Mist
Henri was raised by religious in a convent and lived with them until the women, now elders, moved, leaving him alone. Henri fixes lamps. Since his...
Henri Henri
An epidemic of yellow crawling brains threatens the lives of inhabitants in a recluse Northern Quebec town.
The Yellows