The remarkable true-life survival story of a Jewish boy hiding and being hunted in the forests of Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, based on Maxwell...
The Boy in the Woods
Faye attempts to replace her newly deceased husband, Evan, with an android simulant (SIM). Although SIM Evan appears like human Evan in every way,...
After her fiancé leaves her before their wedding, Madeline goes to Niagara Falls to honeymoon without him. There, she reconnects with her...
Falling in Love in Niagara
A young writer is attacked by a notorious cult leader and mass murderer, a man who exerts an inexplicable control over his followers. When she claims...
Jasmin, once a successful actor in former Yugoslavia, dreams of returning to Sarajevo to continue his career, but fears losing his son Daniel if he...
The Waiting Room
Clara and her two sons escape from her abusive husband with little more than their car and plan to start over in New York. After the car towed away,...
The Kindness of Strangers
Deborah visits her teenage sister, Deanna, at their family cottage in anticipation of their father's arrival late at night. While making up for lost...