Twenty years after the disappearance of her daughter, a recovering alcoholic is preparing to host her family's Christmas celebration when her...
The Apology
With a prized scholarship in sight for two academic rivals, the final dinner with their Head Mistress will reveal the winner before the evening is...
Supper for Civilised Girls
A comedy short film about the bond between two sisters and the marriage that comes between them.
The Birdhouse
A coming of age story told through the eyes of a young girl whose family spirals out of control after they decide to live off the grid.
Manifest West
"The story is about unspoken connections...those delightful moments where you're in the world and you connect with a stranger energetically...your...
As Lucy grieves the death of her childhood best friend, Mia, she finds herself in a dream where the old friends meet again. Mia challenges Lucy to...
Blue Rosée