Follows the personal experiences of three emerging Latina artists from New York City, Mexico City, and São Paulo as they navigate the...
Street Heroines
1UP - One Week With 1UP
Celebrated filmmaker and photographer Cheryl Dunn turns her lens on the pioneers and masters of New York street photography. Dunn profiles artists...
Everybody Street
Join street art artist Okuda San Miguel on his journey of making a 30 metres-tall sculpture for the Fallas in Valencia.
Equilibrium by Okuda San Miguel
Back to 2012, near Cap Canaveral, where we witnessed the mission ART4SPACE being born. This film unveils the incredible journey of the artist Invader...
In 1970s New York, photographer Martha Cooper captured some of the first images of graffiti at a time when the city had declared war on it. Decades...
Martha: A Picture Story