With the ghost of Delphine, a sociétaire who committed suicide several months earlier, still hanging over the place, an unexplained series of...
Meurtre en trois actes
Nine comedians meet at the Acteurs Anonymes, a rehab center for acting, lost in the heart of Aveyron.
Les acteurs anonymes
Patron sur mesure
The Picture of Dorian Gray, the seminal work of Irish writer Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), continues to find new readers and inspire artists and creators...
Dorian Gray: A Portrait of Oscar Wilde
After eight years of close collaboration with her supervisor, Mathilde suddenly finds herself inexplicably victim of moral harassment by him. In...
Underground Time
A staging of Jean Racine's play "Bérénice" by Jean-Louis Martinelli.
A staging of Molière's play "The Miser" by Catherine Hiegel.
Despite his fame, Taillandier has suddenly stopped painting. Deeply depressed, the sixty-year-old decides to go away. He has no clear goal and...
Welcome Aboard
The chauvinist Damien wakes up in a world where women and men have their roles reversed in society, and everything is dominated by women.
I Am Not an Easy Man
De Gaulle bâtisseur
A French adaptation of Anton Chekhov's play "The Seagull", staged by Arthur Nauzyciel.
La Mouette
A staging of Pascal Rambert's play "Architecture" by himself.