This time, Felix is risking a lot. The director summoned his mother and threatened to deny him the access to the establishment. But what could Felix...
Out of Time
As novelist Jovana Fey attempts to check into the first hotel of her 3-week European book tour, she learns that her publisher has gone bankrupt....
Don't Read This on a Plane
Simone Veil's life story through the pivotal events of Twentieth Century. Her childhood, her political battles, her tragedies. An intimate and epic...
Simone: Woman of the Century
Elsa and Franck used to be close siblings, but everything changed when Franck’s space mission went awry. 3 years have passed since his...
Meanwhile on Earth
In the heart of a city, the inhabitants of a tower wake up one morning to find that their building is shrouded in an opaque fog, obstructing doors...
The Tower
"In the Basement of Apollo Hall" delves into the greatest and most significant question for a composer: What is music, and why does it exist? ...
In the Basement of Apollo Hall
This atmospheric French independent film tells the story of a man who has traveled nearly 10,000 miles to find the woman he can’t forget.
Strike Night